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$10 Million - Sustainable Impact Fund

Raising $1 Million in 2024
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Millions face challenges; together, let's find solutions, fostering positive change and resilience in the lives of many.

Featured Testimonials

Coming Soon

Carmel Niulupoya Founder

Being part of this foundation and coalition has been a game-changer. The impact we've made in communities is tangible, and the support for taking action is unparalleled. Together, we're turning ideas into real change, one community at a time.

Coming Soon

Radhika madan C Volunteer

My sister and I reached our 5 AM flight on time thanks to the graciousness of my Uncle and Aunt. We walked out to the pickup area, and realized we had no way to contact our driver to Hemalkasa because our cell phone had no credit on it...

Coming Soon

Gaurav Kapoor Volunteer

Being part of this foundation and coalition has been a game-changer. The impact we've made in communities is tangible, and the support for taking action is unparalleled. Together, we're turning ideas into real change, one community at a time

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